There are many things that make us stuck in one condition, one of the factor is laziness. Sometimes we have a command over and cannot manage our time effectively, sometimes we want to do something and we have target but on the way to reach it, some obstacles hampering and we can reach it. It’s laziness.

Its happen to me, my target is finished my proposal as soon as possible but laziness virus infected me and always success take mind off my plan. There are many plans in my brain but when I want to do it the virus came and you know my mind take off by it.

I have been  trying  to kill my laziness but it came like proverb said “ you kill one, a hundred will grow” I think this getting worse, but I am not the  man  who easy to give up, I am sure that I can kill my laziness I still looking the way to kill it.

If you want to know what I do when I was lazy you can see the picture above, editing the picture waste my time and its happen unconsciously when I want to focus to write my proposal…

huuuuaaaaah help me to kill it.

